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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Tour of the Hamilton County Courthouse

The building that you see here is the 7th Hamilton County Courthouse. It has been located in different towns and in non-commercial buildings such as a tavern since 1819.

1.  Poe's Tavern
2.  John Mitchell Farm
3.  A log house in Dallas belonging to Rawlings
4.  James Hall at 6th and Market
5.  A building at 4th and Market
6.  A building on the hill at Georgia, Walnut, 6th and 7th Street
7.  Our current location after the prior building was hit by lightning. The new building's grand opening was in 1913. The building was designed by Rueben Harrison Hunt and was built for $35,000. It sported a glazed tile roof, colored glass dome and gray marble.

The tour is sponsored by the Chattanooga Area Historical Society and will be conducted by our County Historian, Linda Mines. This private tour is a unique experience and Ms Mines will bring the history alive.

Come join us on Tuesday, May 14th at 6pm. We will meet on the Georgia Avenue side of the building. The party for the Courthouse's 100 birthday begins when you get there!

I have included directions from various locations around the southeast courtesy of the Hamilton County website.

From Knoxville
  1. Start going west on I-40
  2. Take I-75 south split
  3. Take I-24 west split in Chattanooga
  4. Take US-27 N exit into Downtown area
  5. Take 4th St Exit (1C)
  6. Follow 4th St through Downtown
  7. at 7th stop light (Georgia Av), take a right
  8. County Courthouse is on the right
From Nashville
  1. Start going east on I-24 toward Chattanooga
  2. Take US-27 north exit to downtown
  3. Take 4th St Exit (1C)
  4. Follow 4th St through Downtown
  5. at 7th stop light (Georgia Av), take a right
  6. County Courthouse is on the right
From Atlanta
  1. Start going north on I-75
  2. Take 1_24 West split in Chattanooga
  3. Take US-27 N exit into Downtown area
  4. Take 4th St Exit (1C)
  5. Follow 4th St through Downtown
  6. at 7th stop light (Georgia Av), take a right
  7. County Courthouse is on the right